

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Got A Stand Stay!!!

Successful Session 1!

Yay!  We had a little session on the back deck and he did it!  O.k, so he is still a little confused on the 'Stand' bit, but once I had him standing he stayed standing as I sloooowly took a step in front of him while whispering 'Yes, good stay, good stay Banjo, yes'.  He got three very short, very close to me stays in a row, so we called it quits on a high note. 

I am so pumped and want to do at least two more sessions on it today to get him really getting it. Hooray hooray hooray!

Session 2

FAIL!  He is confused and I got too frustrated which I know doesn't help.

Session 3

Maybe making progress...

Loose Leash Walking

I decided to go for a walk on the street this evening and he did great.  One bit of barking and pulling at a dog that was barking at us, but he settled really quickly and walked on a loose leash at both brisk and slow pace for the rest of the walk.  We are definately making progress.

We did a few more stands and stand stays using the 'yes' marker, but I still don't think he knows what the 'yes' is for where the stand is concerned..

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