

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Am Really Not Much Good At This.

A New Park

We tried a less busy park on Wednesday, and took Lucy with us. Lucy stayed in the other wise empty off-lead area while I trained Banjo outside the area.

Again, it took him AGES to settle and work with me. Eventually though, he did work with me and heeled all the way to the gate of the off lead area without getting excited and pulling ahead. Hooray! Maybe if I go there more often it will click that after he is good outside, he gets to go inside.

Once we were in a young couple with a 9 week old American Staffy cross Bull Terrier came in and asked if their pup could meet my dogs. I said yes and they put him down. (I thought they would just keep him on their lap or something) It was too scary for the poor little fella and he ran off squealing to hide under the bench seat when Banj and Lucy sniffed him.

They both followed him sniffing and Banjo put a paw on him so I quickly put him on lead and called Lucy away. It all happend in just a few seconds. I was worried Banjo might think he was a prey object with the squealing and running.

I am surprised he lacks manner when out because he is great with Scrappy and Riki, the Chihuahua cross mini foxies next door. He adjusts his play to their size and their is never a problem. Scrappy refuses to play alltogether with just a growl and a look and Banjo respects that. Riki jumps around full of puppy beans and Banjo bows, jumps in circles around him and softly paws him. He was fine with the tiny breeds at the other dog park too. I feel like a really bad dog owner. I will make sure I don't let him meet nervous dogs again with out ensuring he is on lead and calm. (So not for a really really long time!)

No Treat Training - Fail!

Yesterday I decided to train at home without treats. He heeled fine, sat fine, was reluctant to drop, and broke his stays. So treats have to be phased out more slowly. I was hoping to only use them for distraction training, but it looks like that will have to be built up to slowly too.

I really really really suck at not letting him practice problem behaviours.

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